10. Being surounded by other adults that know all the words to all the songs will make me feel better about myself.
9. Watching Gianna's reaction when she realizes whats going on.
8. Going to dinner before with my girlfriends Michelle and Lindsay and their handsome little boys Blake and Vinny.
7. Having a reason to take a half day off from work.
6. Looking forward to seeing some possible celebrity appearances. I have heard Biz Markie is a regular on tour just like on the show.
5. Spending some quality time with my little Gigi!
4. Learning some more important life lessons....the "Don't bite your friends" song is always a good reminder. :)
3. Looking forward to feeling like I'm tripping out without the hassle of actually doing drugs...haha! Gotta love the psychodelic sounds and effects!
2. Secretly hoping they pick a parent to come on stage to do the I like to dance skit....."My names Brianne! I like to DANCE!" haha
1. Of course making fun mother/daughter memories!
Yo Gabba Gabba!
Busy B
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