After 8 months of living in Texas, we finally made the journey back to California. I had quite a few people tell me how disappointed they were that I haven't kept up on my blogging as promised so, here I try again. No promises though as to how well I will do keeping it up as I have started up again many a times but here goes nothing. So, on to the two week adventure back to good ol' Cali.
I for one was very excited to go "home" as it had been sometime since I had seen my dad (who has yet to make it out here...hint, hint) and a lot of other family and friends. I will say, the time we have lived out here went by quicker than I had imagined it would but it seemed forever and no time all at once if that makes any sense at all. Our main reason for going back was to see our good friends, Kirk and Cassey James tie the knot which we wouldn't have missed for the world but Daniel was the Best Man so that was all the more reason to go.
We had planned for Daniel to fly out with us and stay a week and then the kids and I were going to stay an additional week to get in some extra time...but that's not exactly how it worked out. Daniel got called to a meeting in Tucson the week before so I ended up flying solo with the two kiddos both ways. Not ideal. BUT, we made it and I will say there is nothing like struggling with two kids, a stroller, luggage and carry on all by yourself to bring out the best in people. I was pleasantly surprised to see how awesome people were to help us along the way. Now, if only someone would have found a way to subdue my screaming son the last 40 minutes of the flight there that would have been awesome! But, nevertheless we survived and I still love my husband immensely even though I may or may not have said otherwise at the time.
Our first week, we stayed with Daniels mom and got in lots of time with his side of the family as well as got to partake in the beautiful festivities of the James Wedding. It was awesome to get to see our friends and family and the weather for Fresno at that time of year was perfect. Kirk and Cassey definitely lucked out in that category and overall the wedding was one of the most unique and perfect weddings I have been totally them and even more awesome was the fact that they were able to do it on her families ranch, a location she has wanted to get married at since she was a kid. How cool is that?
The next day we attended a family reunion for Daniels moms family in a tucked away spot in the foothills and the kids had the best time running around with their cousins. We were also able to be there while Daniels grandmothers ashes were scattered in a beautiful spot among the trees. I was so happy that we were able to be apart of such a special event.
Later that week Daniel left back to Texas as planned and the kids and I were super sad to see him go. But we had big plans for our last week...most importantly this momma getting some much needed girl time with her best buds in what I like to believe is the happiest place on earth, CA wine country along the central coast. We relocated over to my parents house and the kiddos had the best time hanging with their aunties and my parents. Jensen was in awe of Grammies embroidery machines working away all day...he loves to see how things work! I also took this week to eat all the food I have been missing! Dog House Grill, Tokyo Steakhouse, Broilers...the list goes on and I am still stuffed!
Our two weeks in California were absolutely jam packed with fun, love and laughter but truthfully the best part of the trip for me was recognizing in myself all the ways that I have both changed and stayed the same since we made the big move. I was glad to see that I missed my new home and friends while I was gone and that while I loved being in old familiar territory I really do love our new life in Texas. That's not to say that my heart didn't absolutely ache to leave everyone again...especially "my" ocean where my heart is always at its happiest...because it did. I just mean to say that its awesome to see that we, as a family, have completely embraced this new chapter that God has opened for us and for now we feel 100% certain that we are right where we need to be. I know in my heart though that I am a California girl through and through...always have been, always will but for now I am embracing my inner Texan and loving every minute of it. Until next time California!
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