Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get Out and Vote!

So, it just so happened that my second day of blogging fell on election day. Lucky you, you get to read instead of listen to my bi-annual rant on the importance of voting but more importantly of younger generations and women voting! Don't worry, I am not going to spout my political views here. I am way more interested in people, regardless of which side their on, knowing where they stand because they have done their research and not because that's the way their husband, brother, mom, neighbor, etc. voted.
I know, I know this election season has been pretty brutal with attack ads and at this point the average person just wants it to be done and over. I know I am guilty of turning to http://www.theonion.com/ as my primary source of news at this point just to escape the daily bashings. But in all seriousness, if you care about the direction things are going do your duty as a citizen of this great country and let your voice be heard.
It is promising that polls in the last few years have shown a greater turnout in voters ages 18 to 29. But still, according to http://www.civicyouth.org/ the numbers of actual voter turn out in that age range for the 2008 election was only 51%. I know it's easy to be disenchanted with the way things are going in this country and the lack of progress that's been made in the last few years but it ain't gonna get much better if the other 49% of young voters don't get out there and make the changes they want to see in this country heard. We have the most to lose and the most to gain!
If you are of the mind set that politics don't apply to you I advise you to think again! The roads you are driving on, the schools you're children attend and the weed you are illegally smoking are all greatly affected by the decisions made by the people voted or not voted into office and the measures and propositions that do or do not pass. Your vote does matter!
If you are a woman you should definitely be voting! We have fought tooth and nail for decades to have our voices heard and now we have just as much right as any to let that voice be heard and yet The Wall Street Journal shows that while women voter numbers have increased and in fact surpassed the male vote in 2008, 44% of women still didn't vote. Without sounding too much like a feminist here people we ALL should be voting! First of all, whether men want to believe it or not, we run the majority of households, employer paid benefits matter to us whether we work or not, the state of our education system matters for our children and lets face it, we are gonna live much longer than the men in our lives statistics show so social security should DEFINITELY matter to us IF it's even around any longer by the time we need it.
So, there you have it! I will jump off my soap box now and return to my regularly scheduled daily events....but not before I go vote!
Busy B

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!!! We do need to vote and make our OWN decisions on who we want in office. Lots of love to you and keep up the posts!!

