Now that we are finally having a chance to experience what our new normal will be like here, its perfect that a New Year is upon us too. The last few years I have opted to create a theme for my new year rather than a word that sums up what I want out of the year or to accomplish. It helps me to remember what I wanted to accomplish through out the year. This year my theme is Focus. I want to be better at focusing on what is most important in my, family, friends, health and get rid of all the nonsense that distracts me from those things. First on the media apps...yikes! The ultimate time stealing addiction! I am going to continue to blog and have a Facebook page but I removed everything from my phone so it's not so readily available. Wish me luck! There is a lot more that I have to change to accomplish my goal but there are too many to be named. Maybe I'll blog about them as I come upon them.
So, as we say good bye to 2012 and say hello to 2013, I must say to all my friends and family thank you. You have all in some way or another been a huge support to us as we have transitioned into this new life and we are so grateful. Man, what a year of change. We are so looking forward to seeing what awesome plans He has in store for us in this New Year. A Happy and Healthy New Year to you all! XOXO
Loved the video! You and Daniel are making a wonderful home for your family. Miss you all so very much.