Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Friday already?

I haven't posted in over a week so I need to catch up! In my defense I wrote two blog posts on my Blogpress app. and apparently they are floating in cyberspace somewhere. Oh well! That's technology for you!

This week has flown by! I did have Monday off so that probably has something to do with it but time just has a way of going by way to fast lately, period. The saying that there just aren't enough hours in the day is more true now than ever that we have Gianna. I just look at her and think, "How is she 15 months old already!?" The days are literally a blur. I lay in bed at night and think, "What did I even do today?" It's not that its bad by any means its just life at warp speed. Or, I guess its just life!

My fear is that, while I am fully enjoying life and every minute of it, am I paying enough time and attention to all the right things? Does everything I do in the day really need to be done right that minute or should I be putting it on hold and paying more attention to Gianna, Daniel, or the laundry thats not doing itself! The busier things get, the more I look only at whats in front of me at that moment and not the big picture as much. In all honesty, I feel like I do focus as much time and energy on Daniel and Gianna as I can but of course I always wish I had time to do more. Where I really find myself lacking is spending time on me. But whenever I see the oportunity I feel a sense of guilt and redirect it to something "more important."

Lately, I have been in a funk of sorts. I can't really say why, it's really a mixture of things. But in the madness of everything, somewhere along the way I have forgotten to make time for myself. I haven't "let myself go" by any means but eating healthy, working out, spending more time in prayer, reading a good book in total silence just aren't high on the priority list like they once were and I feel like its beginning to show. Inside and out.

This blog is a start. It is nice to sit down and create a little outlet for myself. I have been doing a lot of photography lately too which kills two birds with one stone....allows me to partake in a hobby I totally love and make a little extra money for our family. But I definitely feel like it needs to go beyond that. I need to just start saying no to things and maybe start being a little selfish. I feel like if I don't learn to do it now than things will just keep piling up and it will get harder and harder.

I'm not looking for a gigantic life change but I do plan on taking baby steps. I feel like if I can start feeling like I am not always putting myself last that I will be able to better appreciate all the wonderful things in my life even more. I think more importantly I will start appreciating myself more and all that I have to offer. And when I lay in bed thinking how busy the day was I will be able to recall each and every thing I did because I made sure to make sure I spent my time with the most important things....God, my family, my friends and yes, even myself.

Busy B

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