Overall, Fresno isn't a horrible place to live. It has all the shopping and fast food chains a town can handle and is centrally located to all the greatest things California has to offer. If you can get over the severe allergies and smog it's not a bad place. I actually love the super hot summers and the extended spring and fall but those 2 1/2 months in the end of December though the end of February are so.....blah. I hate the fog and the layer upon layer of cloud cover that make it impossible to catch even the slightest glimpse of sunlight. Snow has its downfalls, this is true but at least its pretty and rain is well, wet, but fog and gloomy clouds...so ugly.
The fog seems to just bring everyone down and not to mention how much I worry with Daniel commuting to Kinsgsburg everyday in it. People who aren't from here may think they know what fog is but as far as I am concerened you haven't seen fog until you have spent a winter in the central valley. Of course some years are worse than others but there are times when you can't even see your own hand in front of you. As a kid we actually had foggy day schedule at school because the fog was too thick for the busses to drive in.
I remember when I was in high school I helped my brother with his paper route in the mornings and we would split up and then have the hardest time finding each other again. We would have to run to a house get really close up to see the number on the house and then yell it out. And with the way sound travels in thick fog my brother used to scare the crap out of me by saying creepy things like, "I see you..." and being no where near me but it would sound like he was right at my ear. Thankfully the last few years haven't been that bad but the gloomy aspect of it still bums me out. Winter just started and I can't wait for it to be spring again!
This is the time of year that I miss living at the coast the most. It got cold and rainy here and there but hey, I could see the ocean from my apartment...what can be bad about that?! One thing I do like is seeing Christmas lights through the fog...that is definitely pretty. So, Christmas is for sure the high point of the winter. But after Christmas its just waiting for Groundhog Day to see how many weeks of winter gloom are left. Don't laugh, my family is from Pennsylvania so of course I hold Punxsutawney Phil's opinion in the highest regard. Crossing my fingers for a short winter this year!
Fogged in in Fresno,
Busy B
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I miss my crafts!
I have always been a lover of crafts. From scrapbooking to crocheting and everything in between I have always enjoyed filling my free time with various craft projects. And I still love to do crafts its that free time that I am lacking. Just thinking about bringing all of my scrapbook supplies out sounds like way too much work. Isn't that sad!?
I used to do a lot of stuff late at night once Daniel went to sleep since he goes to bed early and I am such a night owl but nowadays I'm either exhausted from the day or trying to pick up the house once Gianna goes to sleep. So, I have closets and drawers full of craft supplies that just stare at me longingly (or maybe its me staring longingly at them) and I have come to a point where I'm wondering when I'll ever have time to use them again?
The practical side of me is telling me to just clean out those closets and make room for more useful things but a part of me is thinking that this can't go on forever! I will eventually have free time again right?! (Mom's across the world insert laugh here)
Oh well, I have yet to fully commit one way or the other. I feel like if I throw them out or banish them to storage I am admitting a defeat of some sort. It wouldn't be that bad if I didn't continue to hang out (read, buy more stuff from) Michaels and Joannes and what not. Its like a bad habit I can't shake! I haven't decided what I am going to do but bottom line...I miss my ol' crafty ways! :(
I used to do a lot of stuff late at night once Daniel went to sleep since he goes to bed early and I am such a night owl but nowadays I'm either exhausted from the day or trying to pick up the house once Gianna goes to sleep. So, I have closets and drawers full of craft supplies that just stare at me longingly (or maybe its me staring longingly at them) and I have come to a point where I'm wondering when I'll ever have time to use them again?
The practical side of me is telling me to just clean out those closets and make room for more useful things but a part of me is thinking that this can't go on forever! I will eventually have free time again right?! (Mom's across the world insert laugh here)
Oh well, I have yet to fully commit one way or the other. I feel like if I throw them out or banish them to storage I am admitting a defeat of some sort. It wouldn't be that bad if I didn't continue to hang out (read, buy more stuff from) Michaels and Joannes and what not. Its like a bad habit I can't shake! I haven't decided what I am going to do but bottom line...I miss my ol' crafty ways! :(
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Things You May Not Know About Me...Just for fun!
10. I was born on a military base in Germany.
9. I have been skydiving and loved it but I am deathly afraid of flying.
8. If I had to choose my last meal it would be my mom's "Poor Man Soup."
7. My first pet was a basset hound named Mumford.
6. I love writing research papers.
5. My favorite t-shirt is a Expo's shirt I got at a garage sale when I was 15.
4. I drink my coffee black.
3. If I could meet any dead person it would be Winston Churchill.
2. I tell everyone I am 5'7" but I am really 5'6 3/4".
1. I've lived in 3 states and been to 10 different countries.
Busy B
9. I have been skydiving and loved it but I am deathly afraid of flying.
8. If I had to choose my last meal it would be my mom's "Poor Man Soup."
7. My first pet was a basset hound named Mumford.
6. I love writing research papers.
5. My favorite t-shirt is a Expo's shirt I got at a garage sale when I was 15.
4. I drink my coffee black.
3. If I could meet any dead person it would be Winston Churchill.
2. I tell everyone I am 5'7" but I am really 5'6 3/4".
1. I've lived in 3 states and been to 10 different countries.
Busy B
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
When Hobbies Go Wild!

For as long as I can remember I have loved taking pictures. I used to dress my sisters up for hours on end and pose them in the backyard until they wanted to kill me. In high school, as I have mentioned before, thats pretty much all I was involved in....things pertaining to photo like newspaper, sports programs and yearbook. In college I took pictures all over Europe and was inspired by all the people and architecture. But when I got back from Europe, I kind of just stopped taking pictures for awhile. I missed having access to a darkroom and didn't really jump on the digital bandwagon right off the bat.
After Daniel and I moved back to Fresno a few years ago, a friend asked if I still took pictures and if I would be interested in taking his family portrait. I was flattered but I didn't really think I was the person for the job but it did sound fun so I did it for free refusing to be paid. A beer and dinner sounded like decent payment. But the feeling I got from being behind the camera came back to me, a rush of sorts. And I was hooked again.
Over the last few years I have invested in a new camera and what not and have loved taking pictures for friends and family here and there. Its such a fun escape for me from my normal 8 to 5 behind an investment desk. But over the last year, my hobby has started to take up a lot of my time and people I don't even know are calling me asking what I charge! Its comical to me in a way that people would pay me to do something that I love to do so much and I have by no means viewed myself as a professional.
Over the last few months, with the encouragement and support of friends and family, I have decided to cross the line from hobby to side job and actually make a business for myself and see what happens. And so, Bella B Photography was born. I have been working on building a website and getting things in order but I decided for the first time ever to give the world a snapshot of what I have done recently. I am excited about showing everyone what I have been working on and what I love to do so much! I hope you enjoy my photos as much as I do and if your interested in booking a session feel free to email me at bellabphotography@gmail.com. You can also check out my facebook page www.facebook.com/brianne.pearce82 for more pics.
Busy B....I mean Bella B :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Class of 2000 10 years Later

In high school, I had a couple close friends but really tried to be friends with everyone. I was very into photography and was always in the dark room or at sporting events shooting away for newspaper or yearbook. I got decent grades but wasn't at the top of my class by any means. I loved being apart of the Class of 2000 mostly because, hello, it was a cool year to graduate, but also because there were a lot of great people in my class that helped shape the person I am today.
When I graduated I thought photography would be my career but quickly fell in love with politics and ended up majoring in it. My second semester I met Daniel, who quickly became my best friend and as most of you know later became my husband. I did get that chance to study abroad at the University of London like I had always dreamed and it was life changing. But it had a different effect on me than I thought it would. I found an appreciation for home and realized there that I was in love with Daniel and came home and we have been together ever since.
College was, I think where I discovered who I really am and what I really want out of life. I still love to travel, I still snap a few photos here and there but I realized how important family and friends were. It seems that since high school I have created bonds with people who have become my greatest friends and some even like family. In fact, if it weren't for Facebook I probably wouldn't have stayed in touch with anyone from high school besides my best friend Liz.
I remember graduating from college, with my dad serving our country in Iraq and my little brother preparing to do the same and having a much different feeling towards life than I did just 4 short years prior. The world felt smaller and not so open and I didn't feel as though I could just walk away with my camera and never look back. In fact, the only thing I was sure of was my family and friends so I took a "temporary" job at a bank until I was more sure of where life was going...where I was going.
6 years later I am still working in banking as a financial advisor and personal banker which I would have never seen coming! I hated money, finances or anything to do with math in high school and I definitely didn't think of myself as being in a sales position much less doing well in that type of career but here I am. I definitely don't think this is where I'll be forever but the experience is irreplaceable. I still have the bug for photography and am lucky enough to have friends and family who allow me to indulge in my little hobby and capture some awesome memories for them. And, I most definitely still love politics and have helped out with local campaigns and hope to do more in the future. But for now, I am happy to be learning more and more everyday about business and banking which can be a pretty fascinating field itself.
After getting situated in our careers and being together for 5 1/2 years, Daniel and I tied the knot...something I didn't really think I would do when I was graduating high school but then again I couldn't have imagined meeting someone like Daniel either. He is my best friend and biggest fan and I really couldn't imagine a life without him. From day one he has always been supportive of me and in fact one day I came home from work and said, "There is a position available in San Luis Obispo and I'll need to move in two weeks if I take it...what do ya say?!" And knowing how much I have always wanted to move to the coast and the potential good my career would benefit from it, he came with me with little to no hesitation. It was just for a year, a really good year, but he did it for me and I knew we were a team from that point on. In fact we got engaged while we were living at the coast and got married there too.
Since moving back to Fresno, we have bought a house and had a beautiful daughter, Gianna, together. Anyone that knew me in high school knew my little sisters, 10 and 12 years younger than me, where glued to my hip. They went everywhere with me and were more like my kids than my siblings. Because of that, I really thought I would never have kids. Not that I didn't love kids but knowing what it took to raise kids and feeling like I had played a big role in raising my sisters, I just didn't know if having kids was for me. I'm glad that changed too. Once I married Daniel, I knew that I would love having kids with him and I do. Gianna has been the biggest blessing in my life thus far and I love being a mom.
So, in a nutshell that brings us to now. One day away from my 10 year high school reunion. Thinking back, I'd like to say I'm still the same girl (well, lets face it, a slightly older, heavier version of that girl) who walked across the podium with the other 700 some odd other graduates but I'm happy to say I think I am a much better version of her. Since then, I have learned the true value of friendship and family, I've learned how to be humble and accept defeat but also how to rejoice in all the good I have been blessed with. I have learned what it means to work hard, play hard and love like there is no tomorrow. I have learned the true power of forgiveness, have learned to accept my imperfections and how to always keep an open mind. And most importantly I think I have learned that its okay to not be exactly where you planned to be because you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
I am definitly looking forward to seeing some old familiar faces and seeing where life has taken everyone....it has been 10 years. I have been debating over the last few weeks to go at all because I am not super nostalgic about high school and there is no one I am dying to see though it will be nice to see a few. I guess I am glad that high school wasn't the best years of my life, in fact I feel like I am living those now, but I am glad that I had a good high school experience and I was surrounded by a lot of really good people. Even though I may not have stayed in touch with many people there were a lot of good people who touched my life and I hope to get a chance to hang out with them.
Personally, I am proud of what I have done with my life since graduating even though it's not what I had planned. In fact, I'm glad its not what I had planned. I am hoping the next 10 years will be as meaningful and amazing as the last 10 years.
Class of 2000 alumni,
Busy B
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
When I was younger, like most people, the holidays had an air of excitement and mystery. I still love the holidays, don't get me wrong, but the materialism, the crowds, and the running around kinda bring me down a bit. I was starting to feel a bit of dread today at work when my co-workers and I started talking.
This week is the first real week that its felt like fall/winter here...in fact its down right freezing! I mentioned that I always feel sad when it first turns cold because I am reminded of my mom telling me about her students at her school that show up to school with no coats and their arms tucked inside their t-shirts because they are too poor for coats. She's also told me that some students go hungry during the school breaks because they don't have access to the school lunches and breakfasts which just tears at my heart. I couldn't imagine being cold and hungry much less being cold and hungry and a child.
I stopped and thought, how ridiculous am I dreading such minuscule things when I have been blessed with so much. So, we decided that we are going to do a Coats for Kids campaign and a canned food drive here at my bank so that we can do our part to help children and families who don't have the basics of warmth and food that we so easily take for granted. I know it may not be much but hopefully it will help a few people out.
All of this got me thinking how truly thankful I am for all the good in my life. I have an amazing family, a loving husband, a healthy and beautiful little girl, an amazing circle of friends, a job, a home of my own, the ability to worship God freely, and I don't want for really anything.
This holiday season my goal is to keep the meaning of the season top of mind and not let the hoopla and the crowds get to me as it is so easy to do. I hope that everyone can try and do the same and hopefully find some way to give back even if it doesn't seem like much. Every little bit helps!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Busy B :)
This week is the first real week that its felt like fall/winter here...in fact its down right freezing! I mentioned that I always feel sad when it first turns cold because I am reminded of my mom telling me about her students at her school that show up to school with no coats and their arms tucked inside their t-shirts because they are too poor for coats. She's also told me that some students go hungry during the school breaks because they don't have access to the school lunches and breakfasts which just tears at my heart. I couldn't imagine being cold and hungry much less being cold and hungry and a child.
I stopped and thought, how ridiculous am I dreading such minuscule things when I have been blessed with so much. So, we decided that we are going to do a Coats for Kids campaign and a canned food drive here at my bank so that we can do our part to help children and families who don't have the basics of warmth and food that we so easily take for granted. I know it may not be much but hopefully it will help a few people out.
All of this got me thinking how truly thankful I am for all the good in my life. I have an amazing family, a loving husband, a healthy and beautiful little girl, an amazing circle of friends, a job, a home of my own, the ability to worship God freely, and I don't want for really anything.
This holiday season my goal is to keep the meaning of the season top of mind and not let the hoopla and the crowds get to me as it is so easy to do. I hope that everyone can try and do the same and hopefully find some way to give back even if it doesn't seem like much. Every little bit helps!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Busy B :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Reasons I am excited to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live!

10. Being surounded by other adults that know all the words to all the songs will make me feel better about myself.
9. Watching Gianna's reaction when she realizes whats going on.
8. Going to dinner before with my girlfriends Michelle and Lindsay and their handsome little boys Blake and Vinny.
7. Having a reason to take a half day off from work.
6. Looking forward to seeing some possible celebrity appearances. I have heard Biz Markie is a regular on tour just like on the show.
5. Spending some quality time with my little Gigi!
4. Learning some more important life lessons....the "Don't bite your friends" song is always a good reminder. :)
3. Looking forward to feeling like I'm tripping out without the hassle of actually doing drugs...haha! Gotta love the psychodelic sounds and effects!
2. Secretly hoping they pick a parent to come on stage to do the I like to dance skit....."My names Brianne! I like to DANCE!" haha
1. Of course making fun mother/daughter memories!
Yo Gabba Gabba!
Busy B
Friday, November 19, 2010
It's Friday already?
I haven't posted in over a week so I need to catch up! In my defense I wrote two blog posts on my Blogpress app. and apparently they are floating in cyberspace somewhere. Oh well! That's technology for you!
This week has flown by! I did have Monday off so that probably has something to do with it but time just has a way of going by way to fast lately, period. The saying that there just aren't enough hours in the day is more true now than ever that we have Gianna. I just look at her and think, "How is she 15 months old already!?" The days are literally a blur. I lay in bed at night and think, "What did I even do today?" It's not that its bad by any means its just life at warp speed. Or, I guess its just life!
My fear is that, while I am fully enjoying life and every minute of it, am I paying enough time and attention to all the right things? Does everything I do in the day really need to be done right that minute or should I be putting it on hold and paying more attention to Gianna, Daniel, or the laundry thats not doing itself! The busier things get, the more I look only at whats in front of me at that moment and not the big picture as much. In all honesty, I feel like I do focus as much time and energy on Daniel and Gianna as I can but of course I always wish I had time to do more. Where I really find myself lacking is spending time on me. But whenever I see the oportunity I feel a sense of guilt and redirect it to something "more important."
Lately, I have been in a funk of sorts. I can't really say why, it's really a mixture of things. But in the madness of everything, somewhere along the way I have forgotten to make time for myself. I haven't "let myself go" by any means but eating healthy, working out, spending more time in prayer, reading a good book in total silence just aren't high on the priority list like they once were and I feel like its beginning to show. Inside and out.
This blog is a start. It is nice to sit down and create a little outlet for myself. I have been doing a lot of photography lately too which kills two birds with one stone....allows me to partake in a hobby I totally love and make a little extra money for our family. But I definitely feel like it needs to go beyond that. I need to just start saying no to things and maybe start being a little selfish. I feel like if I don't learn to do it now than things will just keep piling up and it will get harder and harder.
I'm not looking for a gigantic life change but I do plan on taking baby steps. I feel like if I can start feeling like I am not always putting myself last that I will be able to better appreciate all the wonderful things in my life even more. I think more importantly I will start appreciating myself more and all that I have to offer. And when I lay in bed thinking how busy the day was I will be able to recall each and every thing I did because I made sure to make sure I spent my time with the most important things....God, my family, my friends and yes, even myself.
Busy B
This week has flown by! I did have Monday off so that probably has something to do with it but time just has a way of going by way to fast lately, period. The saying that there just aren't enough hours in the day is more true now than ever that we have Gianna. I just look at her and think, "How is she 15 months old already!?" The days are literally a blur. I lay in bed at night and think, "What did I even do today?" It's not that its bad by any means its just life at warp speed. Or, I guess its just life!
My fear is that, while I am fully enjoying life and every minute of it, am I paying enough time and attention to all the right things? Does everything I do in the day really need to be done right that minute or should I be putting it on hold and paying more attention to Gianna, Daniel, or the laundry thats not doing itself! The busier things get, the more I look only at whats in front of me at that moment and not the big picture as much. In all honesty, I feel like I do focus as much time and energy on Daniel and Gianna as I can but of course I always wish I had time to do more. Where I really find myself lacking is spending time on me. But whenever I see the oportunity I feel a sense of guilt and redirect it to something "more important."
Lately, I have been in a funk of sorts. I can't really say why, it's really a mixture of things. But in the madness of everything, somewhere along the way I have forgotten to make time for myself. I haven't "let myself go" by any means but eating healthy, working out, spending more time in prayer, reading a good book in total silence just aren't high on the priority list like they once were and I feel like its beginning to show. Inside and out.
This blog is a start. It is nice to sit down and create a little outlet for myself. I have been doing a lot of photography lately too which kills two birds with one stone....allows me to partake in a hobby I totally love and make a little extra money for our family. But I definitely feel like it needs to go beyond that. I need to just start saying no to things and maybe start being a little selfish. I feel like if I don't learn to do it now than things will just keep piling up and it will get harder and harder.
I'm not looking for a gigantic life change but I do plan on taking baby steps. I feel like if I can start feeling like I am not always putting myself last that I will be able to better appreciate all the wonderful things in my life even more. I think more importantly I will start appreciating myself more and all that I have to offer. And when I lay in bed thinking how busy the day was I will be able to recall each and every thing I did because I made sure to make sure I spent my time with the most important things....God, my family, my friends and yes, even myself.
Busy B
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Spain or bust!
For those of you who don't know, I work for a bank as a Financial Sales Advisor. Our parent company is headquartered out of Bilboa, Spain. Every year they reward the top sales people and a guest of their choice with an all expenses paid trip somewhere. This year it's Spain! 3 days in Barcelona and 3 days in Madrid and guess who's in the running....ME!
It's crazy because I come from such a small branch that I never really thought I was in the running until recently when I started paying attention to the numbers. How cool would that be!?! I just have to be in the top 4 when December 31st hits and Spain here I come!
I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Spain and when I was studying in Europe that's one of the countries I just never got around to going to and I always wished I had. Over the last few years I have tried to convince Daniel that Spain would be an awesome vacation for us and since he would like his vacations to include beaches and golfing I have said perfect! They have all that and then some but he just hasn't seemed that interested. Until now that is....but mostly because of course its free!
This will be such a huge deal for me because I have been with this company for what will be 3 years and have been with my branch since it opened which hasn't been easy and we have gone through a merger and I have tried relentlessly to stay positive and keep trucking through some of our more difficult moments and now it seems as a branch we have hit our stride and things are going well. This would be a nice reward for sure!
The trip itself wouldn't be until the beginning of April but it will be a perfect time of year to go. I'm hoping if things keep going as they have been Daniel and I will be sipping Sangria's and eating paella in no time. Ahhhhhhhh!
Busy B
It's crazy because I come from such a small branch that I never really thought I was in the running until recently when I started paying attention to the numbers. How cool would that be!?! I just have to be in the top 4 when December 31st hits and Spain here I come!
I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Spain and when I was studying in Europe that's one of the countries I just never got around to going to and I always wished I had. Over the last few years I have tried to convince Daniel that Spain would be an awesome vacation for us and since he would like his vacations to include beaches and golfing I have said perfect! They have all that and then some but he just hasn't seemed that interested. Until now that is....but mostly because of course its free!
This will be such a huge deal for me because I have been with this company for what will be 3 years and have been with my branch since it opened which hasn't been easy and we have gone through a merger and I have tried relentlessly to stay positive and keep trucking through some of our more difficult moments and now it seems as a branch we have hit our stride and things are going well. This would be a nice reward for sure!
The trip itself wouldn't be until the beginning of April but it will be a perfect time of year to go. I'm hoping if things keep going as they have been Daniel and I will be sipping Sangria's and eating paella in no time. Ahhhhhhhh!
Busy B
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Top 10 Tuesdays
Another blog I follow does "Top 10 Tuesdays" and I think its SO much fun! I'm a list maker by nature so a top 10 list is right up my alley. So...here I go!
Top 10 Songs I can't get enough of right now :
10. "If I Die Young" The Band Perry
9. "Better Days" Eddie Vedder
8. "You Are The Best Thing" Ray LaMontagne
7. "Free to Be Me" Fracesca Battiselli
6. "What I've Overcome" Fireflight
5. "Only Girl (In the World)" Rihanna
4. "Honestly" Cary Brothers
3. "Just a Dream" Nelly
2. "The Unwinding Cable Car" Anberlin
1. "Dog Days are Over" Florence and the Machine (Love, love, love this song and album!)
Pretty random selection....but thats my taste in music....totally random!
Busy B
Top 10 Songs I can't get enough of right now :
10. "If I Die Young" The Band Perry
9. "Better Days" Eddie Vedder
8. "You Are The Best Thing" Ray LaMontagne
7. "Free to Be Me" Fracesca Battiselli
6. "What I've Overcome" Fireflight
5. "Only Girl (In the World)" Rihanna
4. "Honestly" Cary Brothers
3. "Just a Dream" Nelly
2. "The Unwinding Cable Car" Anberlin
1. "Dog Days are Over" Florence and the Machine (Love, love, love this song and album!)
Pretty random selection....but thats my taste in music....totally random!
Busy B
Friday, November 5, 2010
Life Between the Dash
Happy Friday everyone! I'm totally cheating by not actually writing my blog entry today but I thought this little poem was good so I am passing it on. It was read at the Funeral of a co-workers family member. It's always a good time to thank God for your blessings and remember to be the person you want to be remembered as. Have a great weekend!
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning...to the end.
He noted that first came her date of birth and spoke the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the “dash” between those years. (1934 -1998)
For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth...and now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own; the cars...the house...the cash, what matters is how we live and love and how we spend our “dash”.
So think about this long and hard...are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left, that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what's true and real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect, and more often wear a smile...remembering that this special “dash”might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy's being read with your life's actions to rehash...would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your “dash”?
Copyright by Linda Ellis
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning...to the end.
He noted that first came her date of birth and spoke the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the “dash” between those years. (1934 -1998)
For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth...and now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own; the cars...the house...the cash, what matters is how we live and love and how we spend our “dash”.
So think about this long and hard...are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left, that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what's true and real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect, and more often wear a smile...remembering that this special “dash”might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy's being read with your life's actions to rehash...would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your “dash”?
Copyright by Linda Ellis
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Love Dare
Many of you have probably heard of The "Love Dare," a Christian book that turned into the movie Fireproof and has now become an I-Phone App that walks married couples through 40 days of devotionals and "dares".
I have heard it mentioned here and there in the past and it sounded interesting but I never gave it any serious thought. A while back I was scrolling through I-Phone apps looking for a daily devotional and I ran across "The Love Dare."
Daniel and I have always tried to find ways to keep our marriage at the top of our list of priorities but in all honesty sometimes it seems to get shoved down a few notches without even realizing how it happened. When I saw this app I thought this is exactly what we need right now! Thinking that Daniel would probably think it was silly I held off a few days mentioning it. To my surprise, he liked the idea and was more than willing to participate. So, we both downloaded the app and every morning on our own time read the devotional and partake in the dare which can then be checked off once its completed.
The first few days of dares started out pretty easy....Resist the temptation to say anything negative to your spouse....do something nice that's out of the ordinary...you get the idea. It sounds pretty common sense but it opened the lines of communication a bit and got us talking and that little dare kept Daniel top of mind all day. It had me thinking what can I do nice for him, what words of encouragement can I give him, etc. It began to carry over to other parts of my life too. I have just been in a better mood it seems. Because of "The Love Dare"? I'm not sure but I know it's helped.
As the days progress the dares get more complex. For example, Dare 27 asks you to, "eliminate the poison of unrealistic expectations in your home." In conjunction it has you read Hebrews 10:24 "And let us consider on another to provoke unto love and to good works."This can mean many different things in your home big or small but either way it makes you look at things you may have turned a blind eye to because, well, lets face it, life has a way of making you only pay attention to whats in front of you right now. The deeper things are the sometimes easier they are to overlook. Or maybe you decide to save that talk for another day and another day becomes another week, month, year, you get the point.
Daniel and I don't have a perfect marriage. We have our share of arguments and disagreements just like anyone else. "The Love Dare" isn't going to make or break our marriage but its just another tool to help remind us that we made a commitment in front of God and our families because we found in each other a partner for life and a love that we knew could last a lifetime as long as we made the effort to cultivate and help that love grow and stay new. I highly recommend "The Love Dare" to anyone regarldless of what stage of your relationship you are in with your significant other. I "dare" you to try it! Hahaha!
With Love,
Busy B

Daniel and I have always tried to find ways to keep our marriage at the top of our list of priorities but in all honesty sometimes it seems to get shoved down a few notches without even realizing how it happened. When I saw this app I thought this is exactly what we need right now! Thinking that Daniel would probably think it was silly I held off a few days mentioning it. To my surprise, he liked the idea and was more than willing to participate. So, we both downloaded the app and every morning on our own time read the devotional and partake in the dare which can then be checked off once its completed.
The first few days of dares started out pretty easy....Resist the temptation to say anything negative to your spouse....do something nice that's out of the ordinary...you get the idea. It sounds pretty common sense but it opened the lines of communication a bit and got us talking and that little dare kept Daniel top of mind all day. It had me thinking what can I do nice for him, what words of encouragement can I give him, etc. It began to carry over to other parts of my life too. I have just been in a better mood it seems. Because of "The Love Dare"? I'm not sure but I know it's helped.
As the days progress the dares get more complex. For example, Dare 27 asks you to, "eliminate the poison of unrealistic expectations in your home." In conjunction it has you read Hebrews 10:24 "And let us consider on another to provoke unto love and to good works."This can mean many different things in your home big or small but either way it makes you look at things you may have turned a blind eye to because, well, lets face it, life has a way of making you only pay attention to whats in front of you right now. The deeper things are the sometimes easier they are to overlook. Or maybe you decide to save that talk for another day and another day becomes another week, month, year, you get the point.
Daniel and I don't have a perfect marriage. We have our share of arguments and disagreements just like anyone else. "The Love Dare" isn't going to make or break our marriage but its just another tool to help remind us that we made a commitment in front of God and our families because we found in each other a partner for life and a love that we knew could last a lifetime as long as we made the effort to cultivate and help that love grow and stay new. I highly recommend "The Love Dare" to anyone regarldless of what stage of your relationship you are in with your significant other. I "dare" you to try it! Hahaha!
With Love,
Busy B
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
When Night Night Time Becomes No No Time
After a long day at work I go home to be mom. I love being mom! It's more fun than I could have ever managed. After a long day at work, I pick up Gianna and the Baby Einstein version of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" begins on repeat in the car all the way home. After rolling into the drive way at 6pm it's time to make dinner, give Gianna a bath, wrestle her into her pajamas, drive her around the house in her favorite little red car while chasing the dogs, read her "Goodnight Moon" 5 times, snuggle and the it's off to bed.
So, it's 9pm and now it's time to relax, open a bottle of wine and catch up with my husband Daniel before he goes to bed at 10 pm because he's up and gone for work by 6am. Writing it out that way it sounds pretty crazy but really it's our normal and we have it down to a science at this point. But what happens when bedtime goes wrong as is what happened last night?
Gianna has entered a stage of independence that I LOVE! The girl knows what she wants and is learning to communicate what she wants more and more everyday. But this carries over into all aspects of her life including bedtime. This part I don't like so much. Although I understand that it's normal and I am sure we will have many more rough bedtimes in the future and blah blah blah, it really makes for a rough night for mom and dad.
Last night Gianna was exhausted! She was at the point where she appeared to be sleep walking she was so exhausted. Normally at this point I can lay her in her bed turn on her sound machine and it's relaxation here I come! But not last night...no last night was a lot of crying and screaming, "no, no, no ni ni!"
Daniel and I took shifts going back in and trying to calm her down but she was beyond reason. It got to the point where I was so exhausted I tried to straight talk with her. "Gianna, mommy is exhausted, you are exhausted let's just call it a night and go to bed. What do ya say?" (note: while this is being said Gianna's forehead is crinkled and she's looking at me like I'm crazy...which I am so tired I am beggining to think I am too.) When my little pep talk was over laughter errupted from my little one which made me laugh too but of course I don't want her to see so I quickly set her in crib and left the room.
Okay so, I'm outside her door collecting myself thinking, "okay, I'm screwed if she's laughing at me at 14 months what's 14 going to look like." And then to my surprise, silence. Woo hoo! It worked! I know my little talk didn't really make the difference but at least the state of absolute exhaustion sunk in and now it's time for ME time! I quickly go down the hall so I can rejoice in my victory with Daniel but...he's asleep. Sigh. Well, on the bright side, at least I got control of the remote for the rest of the night.
Until next time,
Busy B
So, it's 9pm and now it's time to relax, open a bottle of wine and catch up with my husband Daniel before he goes to bed at 10 pm because he's up and gone for work by 6am. Writing it out that way it sounds pretty crazy but really it's our normal and we have it down to a science at this point. But what happens when bedtime goes wrong as is what happened last night?
Gianna has entered a stage of independence that I LOVE! The girl knows what she wants and is learning to communicate what she wants more and more everyday. But this carries over into all aspects of her life including bedtime. This part I don't like so much. Although I understand that it's normal and I am sure we will have many more rough bedtimes in the future and blah blah blah, it really makes for a rough night for mom and dad.
Last night Gianna was exhausted! She was at the point where she appeared to be sleep walking she was so exhausted. Normally at this point I can lay her in her bed turn on her sound machine and it's relaxation here I come! But not last night...no last night was a lot of crying and screaming, "no, no, no ni ni!"
Daniel and I took shifts going back in and trying to calm her down but she was beyond reason. It got to the point where I was so exhausted I tried to straight talk with her. "Gianna, mommy is exhausted, you are exhausted let's just call it a night and go to bed. What do ya say?" (note: while this is being said Gianna's forehead is crinkled and she's looking at me like I'm crazy...which I am so tired I am beggining to think I am too.) When my little pep talk was over laughter errupted from my little one which made me laugh too but of course I don't want her to see so I quickly set her in crib and left the room.
Okay so, I'm outside her door collecting myself thinking, "okay, I'm screwed if she's laughing at me at 14 months what's 14 going to look like." And then to my surprise, silence. Woo hoo! It worked! I know my little talk didn't really make the difference but at least the state of absolute exhaustion sunk in and now it's time for ME time! I quickly go down the hall so I can rejoice in my victory with Daniel but...he's asleep. Sigh. Well, on the bright side, at least I got control of the remote for the rest of the night.
Until next time,
Busy B
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Get Out and Vote!
So, it just so happened that my second day of blogging fell on election day. Lucky you, you get to read instead of listen to my bi-annual rant on the importance of voting but more importantly of younger generations and women voting! Don't worry, I am not going to spout my political views here. I am way more interested in people, regardless of which side their on, knowing where they stand because they have done their research and not because that's the way their husband, brother, mom, neighbor, etc. voted.
I know, I know this election season has been pretty brutal with attack ads and at this point the average person just wants it to be done and over. I know I am guilty of turning to http://www.theonion.com/ as my primary source of news at this point just to escape the daily bashings. But in all seriousness, if you care about the direction things are going do your duty as a citizen of this great country and let your voice be heard.
It is promising that polls in the last few years have shown a greater turnout in voters ages 18 to 29. But still, according to http://www.civicyouth.org/ the numbers of actual voter turn out in that age range for the 2008 election was only 51%. I know it's easy to be disenchanted with the way things are going in this country and the lack of progress that's been made in the last few years but it ain't gonna get much better if the other 49% of young voters don't get out there and make the changes they want to see in this country heard. We have the most to lose and the most to gain!
If you are of the mind set that politics don't apply to you I advise you to think again! The roads you are driving on, the schools you're children attend and the weed you are illegally smoking are all greatly affected by the decisions made by the people voted or not voted into office and the measures and propositions that do or do not pass. Your vote does matter!
If you are a woman you should definitely be voting! We have fought tooth and nail for decades to have our voices heard and now we have just as much right as any to let that voice be heard and yet The Wall Street Journal shows that while women voter numbers have increased and in fact surpassed the male vote in 2008, 44% of women still didn't vote. Without sounding too much like a feminist here people we ALL should be voting! First of all, whether men want to believe it or not, we run the majority of households, employer paid benefits matter to us whether we work or not, the state of our education system matters for our children and lets face it, we are gonna live much longer than the men in our lives statistics show so social security should DEFINITELY matter to us IF it's even around any longer by the time we need it.
So, there you have it! I will jump off my soap box now and return to my regularly scheduled daily events....but not before I go vote!
Busy B
I know, I know this election season has been pretty brutal with attack ads and at this point the average person just wants it to be done and over. I know I am guilty of turning to http://www.theonion.com/ as my primary source of news at this point just to escape the daily bashings. But in all seriousness, if you care about the direction things are going do your duty as a citizen of this great country and let your voice be heard.
It is promising that polls in the last few years have shown a greater turnout in voters ages 18 to 29. But still, according to http://www.civicyouth.org/ the numbers of actual voter turn out in that age range for the 2008 election was only 51%. I know it's easy to be disenchanted with the way things are going in this country and the lack of progress that's been made in the last few years but it ain't gonna get much better if the other 49% of young voters don't get out there and make the changes they want to see in this country heard. We have the most to lose and the most to gain!
If you are of the mind set that politics don't apply to you I advise you to think again! The roads you are driving on, the schools you're children attend and the weed you are illegally smoking are all greatly affected by the decisions made by the people voted or not voted into office and the measures and propositions that do or do not pass. Your vote does matter!
If you are a woman you should definitely be voting! We have fought tooth and nail for decades to have our voices heard and now we have just as much right as any to let that voice be heard and yet The Wall Street Journal shows that while women voter numbers have increased and in fact surpassed the male vote in 2008, 44% of women still didn't vote. Without sounding too much like a feminist here people we ALL should be voting! First of all, whether men want to believe it or not, we run the majority of households, employer paid benefits matter to us whether we work or not, the state of our education system matters for our children and lets face it, we are gonna live much longer than the men in our lives statistics show so social security should DEFINITELY matter to us IF it's even around any longer by the time we need it.
So, there you have it! I will jump off my soap box now and return to my regularly scheduled daily events....but not before I go vote!
Busy B
Monday, November 1, 2010
Allow Me To Introduce Myself
Hello world! I am reintroducing myself to the world of blogging as I have had one failed attempt in the past. After much thought, I came to realize that my old blog was all wrong for me. I am a very busy girl, as many of you know, and I spent a lot of time reitterating how busy, although wonderful, my days were. I need a blog that allows me a release of sorts from the craziness of my daily life. Some place to discuss the random thoughts that pass through my mind along with the wonderful events that happen in my busy life. So, here I go...a blog that encompasses it all the good, the bad, the busy, the random and the, well, me!
Busy B
Busy B
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