I have to admit, I have been a little leery of blogging since my last post on our amazing trip to Spain for fear that everything in comparison may seem a little mundane. Nonetheless, here I go! Much change has taken place in this short month since then. Some small and some quite large changes, but all have been significant in the overall scheme of things. And most importantly what they have added to what I had deemed for my New Years Resolution, the Year of Happy.
I quit my job. Something that has encompassed a wide range of emotions for me and something we have been planning for almost 2 years. Nothing in this world could make me more happy than to spend every day playing with Gianna, loving her and teaching her new things. Its truly a blessing that I still find hard to believe is finally a reality for me. The days I spent at work worrying if she was missing me, getting the attention and love she deserved from her caregivers, learning something new when I wasn't there to be the first to witness it are finally behind me. Truthfully, its the best thing I could think to do with each and every day. Its by far the icing on the cake in this year of changes...this year of happy.
But the other end of the spectrum of emotions is also present and something I was only somewhat prepared for. I have worked since I was 16 and have always loved earning an income, being independent, doing well at my job and being rewarded for it. While the reward of staying home is most definitely great, the lack of the other things will surely take some getting used to.
Its funny how I find the days just fly by in comparison to when I was working. Gianna definitely keeps me busy and on my toes! My favorite thing to do is watch her cook in her little play kitchen. She feeds her babies oatmeal and hot soup and teaches them how to blow on it so its not too hot. She makes sure not to forget about me, bringing me coffee and making sure to refill it constantly. She has such an imagination!
We go to the park and play outside with the dogs and we read books. Much is the same as it always was but on a more relaxed time frame now. I don't feel the need to rush a days worth of loving and learning together between dinner and bath time. This is also good for time with Daniel because now I can spend more of that time with him which of course is awesome.
This new experience wouldn't be nearly as great without having the awesome partner that I have in Daniel. This change is just as much a positive for him as it is for me and he makes sure I know it. This is what we want as a family and he gladly takes on more responsibility because of it. I can't help but feel blessed to have him.
So, all in all things are new and different and its most definitely for the better. I feel so fortunate to have this opportunity and look forward to seeing what lies ahead of us. The year is only half over and I must admit that mind over matter, a positive attitude and a stronger relationship with God have really made all the difference this year...that coupled with prayers and support from a wonderful family and a great group of girlfriends. I am most definitely a happy girl!
The not quite as busy, Busy B :)