Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Update: The Perfect Pancake

I promised I would let you all know if and when I discovered the perfect pancake recipe. I am sad to report that after at least half a dozen recipes, Gigi and I have not found the perfect recipe. We did however go through a TON of flour and find some decent recipes though. But fear not! I am not here to disappoint! I have found an amazing, darn near perfect, delicious pancake and this is not a just add water.
You read that right. After trying and trying various recipes, on a whim and an effort to make my morning easy and satisfy Gigi's love of pancakes I purchased instant pancakes (just add water) from Walmart and inadvertently discovered the yummiest pancakes!!!
Not only are they instant, they are Walmart brand and SUPER cheap. I promise you that your family will LOVE these pancakes as they are fluffy with just the right amount of buttermilk flavor. I know this is cheating but my quest has come to an end. Why spend the morning making mediocre pancakes when you can just add water and have pancakes that are super delicious!? Let me know if any of you out there agree...oh and your welcome! :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Texas Update

This weekend we headed back to Dallas for a quick trip before our big move next month. This time we decided to take the kids with us and can I just say, my kids are AWESOME travelers! I definitely prepared myself for the worse and it turned out being the exact opposite. The plane ride is a straight 3 hour shot from Fresno so thankfully no plane changes and Gigi did great and played and colored the whole time while Jensen alternated sleeping, eating and flirting with surrounding passengers. We had smooth flights both ways but truthfully if it were not for some very kind and understanding passengers it could have been a bad experience. Because we didn't book too far in advance, we were actually given seats all throughout the plane not sitting together including Gigi! Thankfully, people were very accommodating and we were able to sit in the row with three seats both ways. (Jensen sat in my lap)
Gianna was so excited to FINALLY get to go on an airplane and because we prepped her pretty good before hand she was very prepared and telling us how everything was working along the way. She loved taking off but pretty quickly became bored with the whole thing. Surprisingly she wasn't even that interested in looking out the window. Jensen on the other hand loved looking out the window. Especially on the runway...typical boy v. girl. :)
When we got to Texas, Daniel had to head straight to the plant in Corsicana to work for a bit so me and the kids hung out at the hotel. Gigi loves hotels! She doesn't care where we are staying as long as there is a hotel she is happy! She loves the pools, talking to the staff, jumping on the beds...the whole thing is a total adventure for her.
We went out and had some dinner in a nearby town, Mansfield, just to check it out and just did some driving around. The next day we spent checking out houses in and around Waxahachie (where we will be living) and went and checked out our temporary living situation. We decided the best thing for us to do is to take advantage of Daniels companies offer to put us in corporate housing (a furnished apartment) for a few months while we get situated and can take our time determining where exactly we want to buy. We have a really good idea since we have been working with a realtor in the area but we want to make sure before we make such a huge purchase that we are exactly where we want to be. This will be great for us in that regard but two kids and two dogs in an apartment with all our stuff in storage sounds a bit crazy BUT it's short term and I think we will be really busy trying to get situated and buying a house that it will go by quickly (fingers crossed). Plus, how often do you have the opportunity to have someone else pay for all your living expenses for a few months!? Totally worth it.
Gigi was super excited that we would be living in a big hotel for awhile with a pool. I mean technically that's what it is so I can see why she is so excited. She also loved the houses that we looked at. All of the houses there are brick and stone and she just thought that was the coolest thing!
Saturday we took the kids to the Dallas Aquarium and explored downtown Dallas, Fort Worth and Arlington. Going and seeing Cowboy Stadium in Arlington was an obvious highlight for Daniel as he is hoping to see his team play many games there in the future. It's the little things. :)
Than that was that! We took a late flight Saturday and were home in time for bedtime. But landing in Fresno was when it kinda hit me. Next time we are in this airport it will be with a one way ticket to Texas to a new home. And the next time we fly into Fresno we wont be at our home...we will be visitors. It had me a little sad. I know that ultimately this is a great move for our family and a really good move for Daniels career but it's a BIG change! A change that I don't think I will fully be able to wrap my brain around until we do it. I have no doubt that we will meet some awesome people but we will definitely seriously miss our amazing friends and family we will be leaving behind. Truthfully, I could not be doing this without the moral support of our friends and family here and 100% faith in the plan God has for us. All I have to say is I am thankful for the technology that's out there like FaceTime and email and Facebook all of which will make this transition just a little bit easier.
For now we are just ready to make the most of the short time we have left as Californians but I know I will always be a Cali girl at heart. :)